Famadihana | Reburying the ancestors, Madagascar, 2009
Famadihana is a family tradition to rebury the dead ancestors, unique for Madagascar. Ideally every decade the family is gathering around the ancestral tomb, to enfold whatever is left of the dead in new linen. Although a little solemn, Famadihana is foremost a festivity of food, drinks, dance and music to strengthen family ties. Roanelly family in Faratsiho is keeping up with the tradition.

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra, Faratsiho
Raonelly family gathering around new born family member, 2009

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra, Famatsiho
Inspection of the ancestors dug up from the family tomb, 2009

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra, Famatsiho
Young family members in themood for dancing, 2009

Madagagascar, Vakinankaratra, Famatsiho
Food stalls at the festival grounds, 2009

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra, Famatsiho
Raonelly family members contemplating around their dead ancestors, 2009

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra, Famatsiho
Collecting money for the musicians, 2009

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra, Famatsiho
Preparation of new linen to rebury the ancestors, 2009

Madagascar, Vakainankaratra, Famatsiho
Local musicians, 2009

Madagascar, Vakaninkaratra, Famatsiho
The ancestors wrapped in new linen on their way back to the grave, 2009

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra, Famatsiho
The ancestors wrapped in new linen in their way back to their grave, 2009