Potatoes | Potato growing in Madagascar 2008
In Madagascar rice is staple food. Even so, in the highlands agricultural conditions for potato growing are favorable. The main problem facing cultivators is the presence of crop diseases due to poor stock and lack of fertilizer. The Netherlands have a reputation as potato growers. In Fifam,anor, a research center for seed potato propagation in Antsirabe, Dutch potato seed trading houses and the Malgache government are coöperating to improve potato cultivation.

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra, Ambona
Farmer with new potato crop, 2008

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra province, Antsirabe
Agricultural research center Fifamanor, potato seedling, 2008

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra province, Ambona
Tillage of harvested rice-field for potato crop, 2008

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra province, Antsirabe
Mme. Ravoniarimana working "en vitro" at Fifamanor agricultural research center, 2008

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra, Manandona
Mother and daughter weeding potato field, 2008

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra province, Antsirabe
Planting potato seedlings in a greenhouse at Fifamanor agricultural research center, 2008

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra, Ambona
Farmers preparing a field to plant potatoes, 2008

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra, Manandona
Family harvesting potato crop, 2008

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra, Ambona
Family harvesting potato crop, 2008

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra, Ambona
Family harvesting potato crop, 2008

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra, Antsirabe
Selling potatoes at Marché Asabotsy, 2008

Madagascar, Vakinankaratra, Antsirabe
Mother and daughter peeling potatoes in the kitchen of restaurant Miavoutra, 2008