Sirama | The end of sugar refinery at Nosy Be, Madagascar, 2005
Sirama, at Nosy Be, is the only sugar mill in Madagascar still fueled by wood and pulp, and employer of several thousand of factory labourers and seasonal cane cutters. As a consequence of out-of-date machinery and falling prices on the world market, Sirama is struggling to continue it's production of sugar. According to national economic plans there is only a future for Sirama as producer of the world-famous Dzamandzar rhum.

Madagascar, Nosy Be 2005
Sugar cane harvest around Madorikely.

Madagascar, Nosy Be 2005
Labourer holding a sugar cane stalk.

Madagascar, Nosy Be 2005
Sirama sugar mill at Dzamandzar, supply of sugar cane.

Madagascar, Nosy Be 2005
Sirama sugar mill at Dzamandzar, supply of logs, fuel for the generation of steam and power at the sugar refinery.

Madagascar, Nosy Be 2005
Sirama sugar mill at Dzamandzar, boiler house.

Madagascar, Nosy Be 2005
Sirama sugar mill at Dzamandzar, boiler house, labourer shoveling pulp in the furnace.

Madagascar, Nosy Be 2005
Out-of-date steam engines and gear wheels in the main hall of the sugar reginery in Dzamandzar.

Madagascar, Nosy Be 2005
Gear wheel at the main hall of the Sirama sugar factory in Dzamandzar.

Madagascar, Nosy Be 2005
Labourer turning a wheel adjusting the stopcock, Sirama sugar mill.

Madagascar, Nosy Be 2005
Decrepit machinery at Sirama sugar mill in Dzamandzar.

Madagascar, Nosy Be 2005
Accountant at the Sirama office in Dzmandzar.

Madagascar, Nosy Be 2005
Archiviste Mme Celine Posil at work in her office with the Sirama archives.

Madagascar, Nosy Be 2005
Distillation of the famous Dzama rhum at the Sirama sugar refinery in Dzamandzar.

Madagascar, Nosy Be 2005
Sugar cane harvest, "coupeurs" cutting sugar cane arounf Madirokely.