Skûtsesilen | Friesland, The Netherlands 1996
Skûtsjesilen: a traditional sailing competition with former flat bottom barges, so-called tjalken, in the northern Dutch province Friesland. In the competition of 1996 skipper Ulbe Zwaga, descent of the famous ancient Frisian skipper family Zwaga, and his crew did sail the Ljouwerter skûtsje to second place in the SKS-championship overall.

Friesland, Heegermeer
Skütsjes with reefed mainsail.

Friesland, Heegermeer
Skipper Ulbe Zwaga at the helm.

Friesland, Grouw
Official kick-off of the sailing competion by the SKS-board at the Bierhalle in Grouw.

Friesland, Lemmer
Skipper Ulbe Zwaga and crew taking position at the start of the race at the IJsselmeer off the coast of Lemmer.

Friesland, Lemmer
Crew of Ljouwerter skûtsje watching the actions of their adversaries.

Friesland, Grouw
Wifes of crew members of the Ljouwerter skûtsje celebrating victory at the finish of the race at the Pikmeer near Grouw.

Friesland, Grouw
High spirits below deck of Zwaga's barge "de Fraue Nieske", after victory at Grouw.

Friesland, Lemmer
Ljouwerter skûtsje on the upwind run at the race off the coast of Lemmer at the IJsselmeer.

Friesland, Terhorne
Low spirits below deck at Ulbe Zwaga's barge "the Fraue Nieske" after the race at Terhorne.

Friesland, Lemmer
Crew member trimming the mainsail of the Ljouwerter skûtsje.

Friesland, Lemmer
Skipper Ulbe Zwaga and his second man, just after the start of the race at Lemmer.

Friesland, Lemmer
Skûtsje d'Halve Maen upside down at the race at the IJsselmeer, off the coast of Lemmer.

Friesland, Sneek
Accordeonist de Joetz, long-time associate of Zwaga, playing traditional tunes below deck at the barge "Fraue Nieske", after the final race at the Sneekermeer.

Friesland, Sneek
Crew members of the Ljouwerter skûtsje enjoying fresh eel below deck of the barge "the Fraue Nieske".

Friesland, Staveren
Spectators along the shore at Staveren watching the race at the IJsselmeer.